Aerobic exercise helps prevent alzheimer’s disease
by Melrose GardensAlzheimer’s disease affects over 5 million Americans, and the effort to develop medication to prevent the disease in seniors have been mostly unsuccessful. Mild cognitive impairment is a condition frequently detected in senior adults prior to developing alzheimer’s, and in 2015 memory loss research demonstrated that regular aerobic exercise helps to reduce the presence of organic compounds in the brain which impair thinking and kill brain cells. This is a significant development in memory loss treatment. Not only is aerobic exercise effective unlike most medications, but it is also comes at no cost and the side effects are all completely positive.
Aerobic exercise specifically increases blood flow to the areas of the brain thought to be responsible for memory, resulting in greater attention and awareness - the same effect would not occur as a result of non-aerobic exercise such as stretching. Research also showed that aerobic exercise as little as twice per week over a few months can create positive results in memory and attention. Less frequent aerobics had positive effects relating to depression and stress which are commonly observed in alzheimer’s patients.
This may seem like uneventful news, but after years of research no medication has been developed and approved for use which can produce the same positive effects quickly. Some of the available medications do have the ability to reduce the atypical organic compounds in the brain thought to cause mild cognitive impairment leading some researchers to consider that these medications could be more effective if Alzheimer’s is detected further in advance of its onset.
Melrose Gardens has a physical education program for our senior residents which provides a range of exercises. In combination with our memory care program, this provides seniors with a comprehensive care plan which keeps them healthy, happy, and (as shown by this new research) is known to be effective at impeding the progression of mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer’s.
Our physical education for seniors includes classes 7-days per week in Yoga, balance, weight training, Zumba gold, Cardio, tai chi, and chair aerobics. Yoga provides instruction in stretching, balance, and also stimulates the mind because it involves mind and body balance. It helps residents to focus and concentrate. Each exercise is used to stimulate different areas of the mind and body resulting in a balanced physical activity plan which helps seniors feel good while doing something positive for their physical and mental health.
Please visit our Club Melrose [] page for more information about our memory care program, Visit Us for a tour of our assisted living facility in Los Angeles, or Request a Brochure of our senior community.